Kick-off: Granulation Expert meeting


A periodical assembly of leading representatives from industry and academia to brainstorm ideas for advancing melt and wet granulation technologies - this is the concept of the Leistritz Granulation Consortium. The first one was held on May 16, 2019 in Nuremburg, Germany. Participants included AbbVie, University of Texas, Merck, and McMaster University. All involved contributed in a positive way to this open exchange forum, and deemed this inaugural event a great success! A series of experiments were defined and planned for 2019 with anticipated publication in 2020.

The work of the Consortium will be including the following:

  • Discussing existing challenges and opportunities twin-screw granulation
  • Defining and performing experiments for twin screw granulation studies for publication
  • Identifying unique formulation/applications that can't be processed by existing technologies
  • Conceiving new hardware developments to facilitate the success and expanded use twin screw granulation processes

Moving forward, participants will be part of the solution to advance granulation technologies from formulation, equipment and validation perspectives.
